Frequently Asked Questions for Website Problems
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Q: I cannot bring up my website in my browser.
A: First, check to see if your connection to the internet is good. You can do this by checking a couple websites to see if you can reach them. If you cannot reach any websites, this means your local Internet Service Provider is having problems, and should be able to help you fix the problem. If you can reach other websites but cannot reach your website that we host, please contact our Technical Support.
Q: When I try to visit my website, I am getting "host cannot be found" or a "unknown host" error.
A: First, check to see if you connection to the internet is good. You can do this by checking a couple websites to see if you can reach them. If you still get the same error with any site, this means your local Internet Service Provider is having problems, and should be able to help fix the problem. If you can reach other websites but cannot reach your website that we host, there is a problem either with your domain name or the DNS service for your domain name. To report a DNS problem, please contact our Technical Support.
Q: After I upload my site (with FTP or FrontPage), I am getting the error "Directory Listing Denied" or "Page Cannot Be Found" when I try to access my site with my browser.
A: This is caused because you do not have a page called 'index.html' in the folder you are trying to access. Since 'index.html' is normally the default document for any given folder, you will want to use this convention for your site. Renaming your default page to 'index.html' should fix this problem.
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