Course Management System
system is packed full of features that creates
a complete online learning environment. The system
can be completely tailored for anything from a
simple college course to a pre-paid online learning
system also allows complete web-based customization
for layout, course listings, course information,
and more.
- A
modular system design so features can easily
be added or removed.
- All
backend data is stored in a SQL database.
- Strong
security with encrypted cookies, data validation,
and form checking.
- Course
listings can be set to allow guest browsing,
yet be protected to only registered students.
- Courses
can be searched system-wide.
- Layout
and courses can all be edited with the built-in
- Full
support for design and layout themes.
- Support
for plug-in language packs for support of up
to 40 languages.
- System
administrators govern the instructor accounts;
Instructor accounts have permissions that can
be modified giving them the ability to create
and modify courses within the system.
- Instructors
can limit access to courses with pre-defined
access keys.
- Students
can automatically enroll if enabled, or instructors
can enroll students manually (individually or
from text lists).
- Personal
profile pages can be created by students to
publish information about themselves.
- Full
timezone and language support settings for every
specific features:
- Instructors
can be given permission for their associated
courses, and grant permission for their course
to other instructors.
- Choice
of course formats such as by week, by topic
or a discussion-focussed social format.
Course activities - Forums, Journals, Quizzes,
Resources, Choices, Surveys, Assignments, Chats,
- Most
text entry areas (resources, forum postings,
journal entries etc) can be edited using an
embedded WYSIWYG HTML editor
- All
grades for Forums, Journals, Quizzes and Assignments
can be viewed on one page (and downloaded as
a spreadsheet file)
- Full
user logging and tracking - activity reports
for each student are available with graphs and
details about each module (last access, number
of times read) as well as a detailed "story"
of each students involvement including postings,
journal entries etc on one page.
- Mail
integration - copies of forum posts, teacher
feedback etc can be mailed in HTML or plain
- Custom
scales - teachers can define their own scales
to be used for grading forums, assignments and
- Integrated
support for displaying mathematics equations.
- Full
assignment uploading support for students.
- Support
for online chat with instructors and students.
- Multiple
choice quizzes, forms, and surveys with anonymous
or non-anonymous results posted.
- Integrated
forums for individual courses for complete interaction.
- Glossaries
defined by instructors and/or students.
- Support
for students to keep their own individual journals.
- Ability
for the instructor to insert resource content
within the course (HTML, webpage link, multimedia
audio or video, and more).
from additional modules:
- Attendance
- Workshops
and assignments - the instructor can assign
students to work on projects within groups.
- Scheduler
- allows students to schedule one-on-one time
with the instructor.
- Integration
with WebWork (mathematics testing system).